February 3, 2016

Q&A with David Dixon

David Headshot JSDavid Dixon, President – Jetcraft Asia
Location: Hong Kong
[email protected]     +852 2178 1808

What are your responsibilities within the global Jetcraft team?

When I joined Jetcraft in 2012 I was happy to continue working in the Asia region since I have been based here for over 30 years. As President of Jetcraft Asia, the overall direction of sales in the Asia region is my responsibility. Although the region is very large, there are still less business aircraft in the region than in California. There is scope to grow, which is why Jetcraft is here.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

Being 12 hours adrift timewise with the US and Europe means that I always wake to many emails. One advantage of the time difference is that answers can be forthcoming overnight enabling me to respond quickly to the needs of the day. A key portion of my time is spent looking for buyers that need an aircraft we represent, or sourcing an aircraft that meets the needs of a buyer I am working with. Being located in the region is a major plus – this is not a region where you can work through emails alone. Getting out to meet people is crucial and a major part of the working day.

What do you love most about your job?

No two deals are ever the same. The mix and match of the various elements makes for a challenging day at times, but the variety of the transactions is one surprisingly enjoyable part of my job.

I also enjoy the challenge of working in an emerging market. Many of my clients in Asia are first time sellers, and buyers in the mature markets like the US or Europe don’t know about the opportunities that are available in Asia. One example is encouraging a buyer in Mexico to look to buying in Macau when the traditional way was to simply go to the US.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

The company has a very can‐do approach. Everyone is driven to do all that we can for the customer and we are always looking for solutions.

What do you want your customers to experience when dealing with Jetcraft?

I want them to get the best overall service that they can throughout the entire process.DD JS

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

The first was without doubt a gentleman by the name of Desmond Norman who founded Britten‐Norman back in the 1960’s and who designed and built the BN Islander, a 10 seat bush airplane which has been produced for close to 50 years. The faith Desmond showed in me back in 1972 when he offered me a job selling aircraft was that break we all need in life and I have been selling planes ever since.

There have been others along the way of course. I was able to meet one boyhood hero during my work – the Last Man on the Moon. Nearly everyone knows who was first, but Capt. Gene Cernan is someone I watched leave the surface of the Moon in 1972. I never dreamed I would meet and get to know a modern‐day hero. I know this sounds corny but he is so down to earth and normal, despite the super‐human achievement.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Tenacious. Tenacious. Tenacious.

If you were to buy a business jet, which aircraft would suit your needs and why?

That is a very hard question. I would rather not choose one OEM over another, so suffice it to say I enjoyed the type of flying that came with my first job in Africa for Britten‐Norman. We flew to places even surface vehicles struggled to reach (the mountains of Lesotho or spraying locusts in Sudan). This is a far cry from the ultra‐long range aircraft of today but it’s where my heart is.

Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

I love redecorating or restyling property and looking after a garden. I miss those things living in Hong Kong.


Header Photo: On November 6, 2015, the Asian Business Aviation Association (AsBAA) hosted its Inaugural Charity and Awards Gala Dinner where, through a vote by industry peers, Jetcraft took home the award for the Best Aircraft Brokerage in 2015.


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