August 24, 2023

Q&A with Todd Spangler

Todd Spangler, Sales Director, Americas, Jetcraft
Location: Georgia, US.

What are your responsibilities within the global Jetcraft team?

I cover the Southeast US, so I’m responsible for bringing in new clients, listings, acquisitions elements and new inventory to our fleet.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

A typical day for a sales director is a lot of networking and a lot of travel. Certainly, working through the number of leads generated from our available inventory and the global reach that we have at Jetcraft. The activity that we generate is great. It’s also great to go out and really work in our own areas and be responsible for that and be able to create business for the organisation.

Describe the company culture at Jetcraft and what it means to you?

The company culture at Jetcraft, it’s fantastic. I mean we really do have such a great team of people that cross borders and really work together. It just provides that value for our clients as well, they can be assured that they have a global team that’s working for them.

What do you love most about your job?

What I really love most is the team that we have and the continuity that we have. We’re such a big organization with many offices around the world. The company really treats us as though we are family and connected and it just creates such a great atmosphere and culture.

Who or what has been your greatest professional influence?

A great guy that was a mentor of mine was Jim Christenson. Many years ago I worked with him and he’s no longer with us.  He always treated everyone that he came in touch with, with respect. I’ve tried to instill that in my professional career as well.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

I would describe myself in three words as ‘bald is beautiful’ or ‘always be selling’ how about that. In the sense that as a person you are always selling yourself. Whether that’s just being respectful of others, for a customer or any everyday relationship that you have.

Explain what makes Jetcraft’s customer experience unique.

For our customers I really want them to experience the value that they are getting from us and whether buying or selling, they leave feeling they received a great experience and want to continue working with us again in the future.

Finally, what is your hidden talent or hobby?

My kids will say that I make a great trumpet noise, I will say, I can do a rubik’s cube in under a couple of minutes.


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