September 5, 2023

Getting to know the Fastest Sales Team in the World: Jahid Fazal-Karim

Having heard from Pascal Bachmann last month, it’s now time to hear from the next member of our Fastest Sales Team in the World – our Owner and Chairman of the Board, Jahid Fazal-Karim.

Why did you decide to start racing?

I started racing shortly after Jetcraft sponsored a GT racing team. The owner of the team said, “As you’re here, you might as well drive.” I had done karting and circuits for fun in the past, but never driven competitively or seriously. I began training in 2021, and in ’22, I had my first race season in GT4. I’m now competing in GT3, sharing a car with Pascal Bachmann, our SVP Sales, EMEA.

What do you enjoy the most about racing?

When you’re in the car, you can’t afford to think about anything else. Throughout the day, my brain is occupied with a million thoughts, but I simply can’t do that while driving or I might crash. So, besides the obvious sporting elements, such as the adrenaline rush and the thrill of the competitiveness, what truly matters for me is being in the moment and completely focused on one task.

What personality traits make for a successful racing driver?

I don’t think it’s exclusive to racing but more about athletes at a competitive level – the leaders have talent, like so many others, but it’s their application to the sport that sets them apart. Their dedication, determination, and attention to detail make all the difference to the level of their success.

What are your future racing goals?

I’d like to participate in GT3 for at least a couple of years to gain some real experience. Once I feel like I’ve reached the right level there, I’ll consider what I can do to continue to challenge myself next. Every driver wants to do Le Mans, right?

How does racing tie in with jet sales and ownership?

While there are some professionals in the GT leagues, there are also many teams with drivers like me who race as a hobby. Interestingly, I’ve found many of these teams are led by aircraft owners or brilliant individuals from across the aviation industry which provides valuable networking opportunities. GT racing introduces you to like-minded enthusiasts who share the same passions.

You also can’t forget that competitive sports, such as racing, are akin to owning a business – where you are constantly trying to get ahead of your competitors.



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